How to Create a Marketplace with WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin

How to Create a Marketplace with WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin

You may have made online purchases many times, selected from hundreds of products, and paid by credit card.

Ever wondered where all these products come from, different prices, different colors and sizes? Most importantly, how do you handle all of these things? In this article, I will describe a wonderful idea that combines all these things - WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace.

What is a Marketplace?

Online markets have grown exponentially in the last decade due to the convenience, simplicity and convenience offered by options such as markets. An online marketplace is essentially an e-commerce platform where many third parties come together to publish products and services for sale.

As you can see, a marketplace provides a lot of data and traffic. In essence, the markets are benefiting from the scale of all sellers' efforts.

When developing a market, remember these questions:

  • What kind of products and / or services would be available on the market?
  • Which currencies will be allowed for transactions?
  • What legal regulations will the market be subject to?
  • What about internationalization?

Professional advice: When creating a market, start by identifying the legal and technical difficulties you need to solve. Then create a group with different profiles to solve the challenges.

Create the WooCommerce Marketplace

It is a growing industry and therefore there are profits that need to be made in many ways. The best thing - you can even start a purchase for free!

Imagine how many brands you will be able to host and how your multi-vendor WooCommerce store has the potential to grow. It is also much cheaper than managing a physical store.

Now you may think that building a WooCommerce store with multiple suppliers is a difficult task. However, I will present you with an excellent free solution that you can use to build the purchase of your dreams. Meet, Dokan Multivendor Marketplace!

WooCommerce and Dokan Multi-Vendor

Dokan is one of the best add-ons for many WooCommerce suppliers out there. With Dokan, you can create a WooCommerce market full of features that don't require a lot of effort or cost on your part.

Here's what you need to create your online shopping with Dokan:

Installing and configuring the WooCommerce Multi-Supplier Market takes only about 10 minutes. The experience became easy with the addition due to the guided installation that removed much of the confusion.

Dokan Multivendor extensions

Dokan has a number of extensions that enhance the basic features of the plugin. You can choose these extensions according to your requirements and set the WooCommerce purchase.

How to Create a Marketplace with WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin

For example, seller verification is an extension that allows you to check the authenticity of your sellers by obtaining social profiles, phone numbers and photo verification. Dokan Simple Auctions allows suppliers to set up auction shops so they can create their own versions of eBay. Dokan subscriptions charge your suppliers with product limits.

Check all extensions for Dokan.

Benefits of using Dokan Multivendor

  • The strong front-end interface ensures high store integrity
  • Fully customizable and compatible with all WooCommerce popular themes
  • Professional and customizable showcase for every seller
  • Low maintenance for the administrator with suppliers who manage everything from their control panel
  • The guided setting makes starting and configuring simple
  • More than 100 payment gateways facilitate universal payments
  • It supports WPML and 17+ language translations for customers around the world
  • Important sales statistics and market information

Dokan: A complete e-commerce solution

Dokan solves all the important problems faced by market developers. WeDevs has developed Dokan with these common problems in mind so that end users have the best experience.

How to Create a Marketplace with WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin

Easy to start

Whenever you have a business idea, Dokan does not interrupt between you and your dream. WooCommerce multi-vendor stores have become so easy to create and manage, even suppliers with little technical background can easily run the multi-vendor market with the Doken engine without any worries.

Dokan is free and full of facilities. Anyone can use Dokan to create their own eBay, such as the WooCommerce Multimedia Store for free and win via purchase without creating style and capabilities.

Ensure store safety

Permitting backend access for administrators and only interfaces for suppliers ensures the security of the store. The backend of any shop is not always easy to use for the inexperienced. Unlimited access can easily mean that anyone can ruin your store and steal your money. To increase the security of your store, follow the 13 security tips for the WooCommerce store.

Save your time

Leisure time is more than anything, as most entrepreneurs are too busy managing their businesses. This is why the front end of Dokan is designed in such a way that vendors can manage everything easily. You only need to intervene when you need to issue refunds and allow certain products. This is done so that your market maintains quality, reliability and avoids unwanted messages.

Non-stop profit

As there is no supplier limit, you can supply from any sale or selected type. So never lose your market. You can earn higher-selling products, more from your favorite supplier, or start discounts on special occasions to increase sales.

Reduce maintenance costs

As retailers manage themselves, maintenance costs are lower. Dokan owners usually do not require individual store owners to take care of their business. Since it is open source, you can place coders to optimize the extras at a relatively low cost. In addition, Dokan comes with a free theme that wins multiple themes for a fee. Docan extensions are inexpensive, keeping performance in mind.

Features of Doken Multi-Vendor

So how does Doken solve WooCommerce problems? Let's go over some specifics:

  • Want to give your sellers enough options and opportunities to deliver full sales potential? Dokan allows multiple product types to sell simple, convertible, downloadable, virtual products, subscriptions and bookable products from your vendors.
  • Imagine if your store interface and design is not user friendly, attractive or intuitive, will customers stay in your store? not possible! The developers incorporated Dokan with a user-friendly and rich front-end dashboard, giving customers and sellers a seamless experience and easy ways to manage inventory, sales, orders, discounts and coupons. The plugin comes with a stylish storefront, so your vendors can distinguish it from the various designs available to professionals outside your business.
  • A seller has to face a lot of competition from other shops within the market and from other online shopping platforms. To remain equal in business, there is nothing more important than gaining customer trust and promoting it to potential customers. Dokan allows product and vendor reviews and ratings by users. This increases brand value and user base as new customers rely more on word of mouth than older customers.
  • Want to empower your vendors so that they can manage their stores on the go? Since Docan is mobile-friendly, sellers can place orders, see if an order is in order or pending, and even have the products shipped to the billing address.
  • Imagine the trouble that is increasing the international base of customers, if it allows us to calculate shipping rates in a global way. With Doken, sellers can set global shipping for each store and also override shipping rates from products directly from their front-end dashboard.
  • What could be a better way to promote one's store in search engines? Dokan lets sellers manage SEO for their store page. They can write custom SEO meta, store permalink and description from their front dashboard.
  • Think about the number of viewers and potential customers that your salespeople can reach if they have the right tools to promote their business. Dokan gives sellers the option to link their social profiles to Twitter, Facebook etc. and also helps to link their Facebook store to their store profile which helps them to build cross-sales.
  • But even after setting up your store for your regular customers, you definitely need to please your new customers. For that, you have a coupon management function integrated with Docon that will allow your sellers to create discount coupons for special sales. This essential feature promotes businesses and shops for older customers as well as attracts new ones.
