5 WordPress Instagram Plugins for Displaying Interactive Feeds

1. Instagram Feed

The Instagram feed plugin is a great place to start your search, as it is a very simple plugin to configure, with tools to display your photos and even attach multiple Instagram accounts when needed. Another reason that I like so much is that it is completely free for the majority of essential features. However, you have the option of paying $ 39 or $ 79 for the Pro version depending on how many sites you have to support. For the features offered with the Pro version, you'll get additional items like pop-up lightboxes for better viewing and the option to display posts by hashtags. The only reason I would consider the Pro version is because you can then show the image caption and get video support.

Overall, the Instagram feed plugin is a great way to increase social engagement, save time, and keep your site fresh. No coding is required, and all you need to do is sign up for a non-private Instagram account. What's more is that the plugin is responsive so that people see your pictures while viewing them on mobile devices. The plugin also contains shortcodes, which allow you to link to multiple Instagram accounts when there is more than one. Shortcodes are also good for placing feeds in many places on your site. Therefore, you can have one on the homepage and also keep a feed in some of your blog posts.

What is this one of the best WordPress Instagram plugins?

  • The Instagram feed does not require payment for the Aadhaar plugin. It is free, and most of the required features are in that base plugin. In addition, the premium version is affordable.
  • The Instagram gallery is fully customizable, with options to adopt your website's style, select columns, control width, and change around the order of those photos.
  • It provides a "over load" feature to reveal all your photos. This way, the entire feed is short most of the time and does not slow down your site, yet people can see everything if they want.
  • The plugin has some powerful tools, but it wraps everything in a simple package. You do not have to be an advanced WordPress user or coder to get the right results within a few minutes.
  • You can get more control and perform advanced customization via custom CSS modules.
  • It shows a follow button to make your Instagram follower count.
  • You can also place a header on top of the plugin module for branding.

2. WD Instagram Feed

With the WD Instagram Feed plugin, you have the ability to create a beautiful Instagram gallery with some interesting effects, such as Lightbox with captions. Those captions are included with the free version, so there is a nice bonus compared to the Instagram feed plugin mentioned above. The free version also offers a nice little package with options for username and hashtag feed, image and thumbnail browser layout, and supports unlimited links. The Pro version provides several additional extensions and built-in tools.

Here's how pricing goes:

Personal - $ 25 to support a domain and get six months access to premium support and updates.

Business - Getting $ 40 to support three domains and one year of support and updates.

Developer - $ 60 to support unlimited domains and receive one year of maintenance and updates.

Instagram Feed WD Premium - This plan provides all 60 Docs with all previous plans from Web Dordo.

If you need premium plugins for your site or have a web design business, this is a solid deal with this plugin.

All plans have four awesome views for your gallery, effects with popup slideshow, unlimited feed, advanced image filtering and excellent style customization tools with themes.

Jumping back to the standard, the free version of the WD Instagram feed — it's a time-saving plugin, the way it looks on your site. You can mix feeds from multiple sources or post from one account. Filtering is great for creating some portfolios from your Instagram. The widget is also one of those extras that transforms your website into a more visible location.

If you are thinking of the main difference between the free and premium versions, here's what to expect when you pay for premium. First, many other layouts are provided, such as masonry and blog style. Metadata, such as tags, comments, and likes, will appear in the feed. There are a few other features to watch, but I particularly enjoy the 15 lightbox transition effects.

What is this one of the best WordPress Instagram plugins?

  • The WD Instagram feed plugin provides some of the most powerful filters and feed merging tools to create the ultimate visualization experience.
  • This is a free version for an extremely powerful Instagram feed with widgets and lightbox functionality.
  • The premium version starts at just $ 25, and you have the option to get all of the $ 99 premium plugins from Web Dorado.
  • Two default themes are given to you with free plugins.
  • Many customization tools are provided for adding follow buttons, enabling comments, changing around layouts, and more.
  • The plugin features a combination of feeds from multiple Instagram accounts. So, if you are running some kind of series or you want to include your personal feed with your business feed, then you have that option.

3. WP Instagram Widget

If you don't like the idea of ​​downloading a plugin with all kinds of styling already included, WP Instagram Widget is the right WordPress Instagram plugin for you. It is completely barefoot downstream, meaning developers leave it with their CSS for the style of the feed gallery. Therefore, you will consider this plugin if you either do not want any styling (super simple) or if you are a more experienced developer. If you want to change around colors, sizes, or titles, and you don't know anything about coding, then you're going to be dissatisfied with this.

For one, you have to customize the gallery as you wish. Secondly, it means that the plugin is not going to slow down your site or cause too much clutter. It is very easy to configure and run on your website.

What is this one of the best WordPress Instagram plugins?

  • It has no pre-defined style, so it's up to you to work with customization and CSS.
  • This type of lightweight plugin ensures to keep your website clean and free of clunky plugins.
  • WP Instagram Widget is a free plugin, and there are no areas where you will be asked to upgrade to a premium plugin or sign up for some add-ons.
  • The plugin mainly acts as a widget, so you can place the Instagram feed in your sidebar and show it on all pages of your website.
  • There is no need to connect to the Instagram API. In fact, you need a username and password from your Instagram account.
  • There is a special caching facility, where you set some filters to change around the caching time. It is ideal to ensure that your site is up to speed and to ensure that all pictures are seen properly.

4. Feed Them Social

There are free and premium versions of Feed Them Social. The premium extension starts at $ 50 for a single site and goes up to $ 200 for unlimited websites. The main benefit to feed them social plugin is the fact that it allows for the display of feeds from all types of social networks. This includes Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest. Most of these are offered in the premium version.

It is also interesting to note that the premium plugin has full support for all details from each social network. For instance, the Instagram feed includes everything from user accounts to hashtags and photos to descriptions and comments. Key features of the premium plugin include fully responsive feeds as well as the ability to display as many feeds as you want. You will also find that you get follow buttons.

Many of these basic features are offered in the free version, so most companies should be fine - especially if they are only looking for an Instagram gallery. However, I would recommend the Feed Them Social plugin primarily for those who want to add feeds from multiple social networks.

What is this one of the best WordPress Instagram plugins?

    There is a free version and an affordable paid version.
  • You can take pictures from places like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
  • All social feeds are fully responsive to view on mobile devices.
  • You can create shortcodes for any of your social feeds. A shortcode generator comes with the plugin, and you can post any of the shortcodes wherever you want.
  • An infinite scroll and a load more button keeps your feed integrated while allowing people to view your entire gallery if they wish.
  • You also get some sharing buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Facebook.

5. Instagram Slider Widget

Instagram Slider Slider brings together two popular designs in the world of Instagram feeds. The first is the Instagram widget slider, which shrinks images for the sidebar, but can then be shown on all pages. In addition, the slider scrolls through all your Instagram photos so that the user can view a myriad of images while browsing your website.

The other option is the frontend widget thumbnail, which is basically a gallery, but since the pictures are all thumbnails, it is much smaller. The slider reveals the 12 most recent posts on your Instagram page. You can also take advantage of the hashtag feature, which is ideal for tapping into a certain subject and showing only those pictures.

In the realm of things, the Instagram slider widget is one of the more basic WordPress Instagram plugins on this list. No API is needed. Instead, you simply add the plugin to your user profile with the help of your username and password. If you like some of them better than others, you can also sort images.

What is this one of the best WordPress Instagram plugins?

  • It is a free plugin without any upgrade or premium version.
  • It is a niche Instagram feed solution with small sliders and widgets.
  • You do not need to access the Instagram API.
  • The Instagram Slider Slider Widget has a nice feature for adding gallery photos to external URLs or for attachments or Instagram posts. This way, you can consider adding a sales page or something similar to your website.
