Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

Google reCAPTCHA is a free service to protect your website from spam mails and misuse, allowing real people to pass through easily. Contact Form 7 is the most popular and free contact form plugin for WordPress. By combining these two, you can easily create a WordPress contact form with antispam protection. In this article, we will guide you through how to integrate reCAPTCHA in Contact Form 7 in your WordPress website.

Get the reCAPTCHA public and secret keys

To get started with google ReCAPTCHA, you need a Google account and to register your website for an API key pair. To generate a reCaptcha public and secret key for your domain name, follow the steps below.

1. Go to the Google reCaptcha website.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

2. Click the "Get reCAPTCHA" button as shown above.

3. Enter your website description such as "label, domain and email owner (s)" and click on the "Register" button as shown below.

4. When doing so, you can see the generated "site key" and "secret key" as shown below.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

5. Copy the key pair into the WordPress dashboard of the website you registered in google reCaptcha.

Integrate reCaptcha with Contact Form 7

To integrate reCaptcha with contact form 7, follow the steps below.

1. Go to the WordPress website Dashboard menu "Contacts> Integration" as shown below.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

2. Find the RECAPTCHA panel and click "Configure Keys" as shown below.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

3. Enter "Site Key" and "Secret Key" in the fields and save them as shown below.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

Edit contact form

To insert a placeholder for a reCAPTCHA widget in your contact form content, follow the steps described below.

1. Paste the recaptcha shortcode [recaptcha] to render the reCaptcha field just before the submit button as shown below.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress

2. Click the "Save" button as shown above.

3. Preview the contact page. It should look like shown below.

Contact Form 7 Add reCAPTCHA in WordPress
